| | Saint Timothy | Saint Timothy - Short, concise biography of Saint Timothy
- History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint Timothy
- Fast, concise facts and information
- Date of Birth and Death
- Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint Timothy
- Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
- Description / Title of the Saint : Bishop, Martyr
Saint Timothy Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Timothy The following provides fast and concise facts and information: - Memorial Day / Feast Day of Saint Timothy: January 24
- Description / Title of the Saint : Bishop, Martyr
- Date of Death: Saint Timothy died AD 80
The Story and History of Saint Timothy The story and history of Saint Timothy. Timothy was a convert of St. Paul. He was born at Lystra in Asia Minor. His mother was a Jewess, but his father was a pagan; and though Timothy had read the Scriptures from his childhood, he had not been circumcised as a Jew. On the arrival of St. Paul at Lystra the youthful Timothy, with his mother and grandmother, eagerly embraced the faith. Seven years later, when the Apostle again visited the country, the boy had grown into manhood, while his good heart, his austerities and zeal had won the esteem of all around him; and holy men were prophesying great things of the fervent youth. St. Paul at once saw his fitness for the work of an evangelist. Timothy was forthwith ordained, and from that time became the constant and much-beloved fellow-worker of the Apostle. In company with St. Paul he visited the cities of Asia Minor and Greece - at one time hastening on in front as a trusted messenger, at another lingering behind to confirm in the faith some recently founded church. Finally, he was made the first Bishop of Ephesus; and here he received the two epistles which bear his name, the first written from Macedonia and the second from Rome, in which St. Paul from his prison gives vent to his longing desire to see his "dearly beloved son," if possible, once more before his death. St. Timothy himself not many years after the death of St. Paul, won his martyr's crown at Ephesus. As a child Timothy delighted in reading the sacred books, and to his last hour he would remember the parting words of his spiritual father, "Attende lectioni - Apply thyself to reading." Feast Day of Saint Timothy The Feast Day of Saint Timothy is January 24. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven. |
Saint Timothy- Short, concise biography of Saint Timothy
- History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information
- Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Timothy
- Memorial, or Feast Day, of Saint Timothy - January 24
- History, Life, Biography, Dates, Facts and Information
- Date of Death: AD 80
- Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint Timothy
- Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
- Description / Title of the Saint : Bishop, Martyr
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