| | Saint John the Baptist | Saint John the Baptist - Short, concise biography of Saint John the Baptist
- History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint John the Baptist
- Fast, concise facts and information
- Date of Birth and Death
- Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint John the Baptist
- Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
- Description / Title of the Saint : Martyr
Saint John the Baptist Fast, concise facts and information about Saint John the Baptist The following provides fast and concise facts and information: - Memorial Day / Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist: August 29th formerly June 24
- Description / Title of the Saint : Martyr
- Date of Death: Saint John the Baptist died A.D. 31
The Story and History of Saint John the Baptist The story and history of Saint John the Baptist. The birth of St. John was foretold by an angel of the Lord to his father, Zachary, who was offering incense in the Temple. It was the office of St. John to prepare the way for Christ, and before he was born into the world he began to live for the Incarnate God. Even in the womb he knew the presence of Jesus and of Mary, and he leaped with joy at the glad coming of the son of man. In his youth he remained hidden, because He for Whom he waited was hidden also. But before Christ's public life began, a divine impulse led St. John into the desert; there, with locusts for his food and haircloth on his skin, in silence and in prayer, he chastened his own soul. Then, as crowds broke in upon his solitude, he warned them to flee from the wrath to come, and gave them the baptism of penance, while they confessed their sins. At last there stood in the crowd One Whom St. John did not know, till a voice within told him that it was his Lord. With the baptism of St. John, Christ began His penance for the sins of His people, and St. John saw the Holy Ghost descend in bodily form upon Him. Then the Saint's work was done. He had but to point his own disciples to the Lamb, he had but to decrease as Christ increased. He saw all men leave him and go after Christ. "I told you," he said, "that I am not the Christ. The friend of the Bridegroom rejoiceth because of the Bridegroom's voice. This my joy therefore is fulfilled." St. John had been cast into the fortress of Machaerus by a worthless tyrant whose crimes be had rebuked, and he was to remain there till he was beheaded, at the will of a girl who danced before this wretched king. In this time of despair, if St. John could have known despair, some of his old disciples visited him. St. John did not speak to them of himself, but he sent them to Christ, that they might see the proofs of His mission. Then the Eternal Truth pronounced the panegyric of the Saint who had lived and breathed for Him alone: "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist". Click the link for more Facts and Information about the Patron Saint John the Baptist Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist The Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist is June 24. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven. |
Saint John the Baptist- Short, concise biography of Saint John the Baptist
- History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information
- Fast, concise facts and information about Saint John the Baptist
- Memorial, or Feast Day, of Saint John the Baptist - June 24
- History, Life, Biography, Dates, Facts and Information
- Date of Death: A.D. 31
- Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint John the Baptist
- Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
- Description / Title of the Saint : Martyr
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