Prayer to St. Peregrine

Prayer to St. Peregrine

  • Words of the Prayer to St. Peregrine for Cancer Patients
    Traditional Roman Catholic Saints Prayer
  • Short and Simple Christian words for Cancer Patients
  • Pray for comfort and intercession for Cancer Patients
    Prayer to St. Peregrine - Patron of Cancer Patients
  • Short and Simple Christian words of faith for Cancer Patients

Prayer to St. Peregrine - Patron of Cancer Patients
Catholic spirituality is the spiritual practice of living out a personal act of faith including praying at church and also private prayer. The Holy Bible teaches that we should pray everywhere including Catholic Prayers and devotions such as the Rosary, Litanies, Novenas and Catholic and Saints prayers such as the Prayer to St. Peregrine.

Prayer to St. Peregrine - Patron of Cancer Patients

Prayer to St. Peregrine for Cancer Patients
Enjoy the comforting words of this traditional Roman Catholic Saints Prayer.

Prayer to St. Peregrine
Cancer Patients

Dear Apostle of Emilia and member of the Order of Mary, you spread the Good News by your word and by your life witnessed to its truth. In union with Jesus Crucified, you endured excruciating sufferings so patiently as to be healed miraculously of cancer in the leg. If it is agreeable to God, obtain relief and cure for (Name) and keep us all from the dread illness of cancer.



Prayer to St. Peregrine - Patron of Cancer Patients

  • Words of the Prayer to St. Peregrine for Cancer Patients
    Traditional Roman Catholic Saints Prayer
  • Short and Simple Christian words for Cancer Patients
  • Pray for comfort and intercession for Cancer Patients
    Prayer to St. Peregrine - Patron of Cancer Patients
  • Short and Simple Christian words of faith for Cancer Patients

Prayer to St. Peregrine - Roman Catholic Saints Prayer - Simple - Saint - Religion - Short - Roman -  Catholic - Faith - Traditional - Church - Rosary - Short - Intercession - Simple - Common - Simple - Help - Saint - Religion - Short - Apostle - Roman -  Catholic - Prayer - Faith - Traditional - Church - Rosary - Short - Intercession - Help - Simple - Roman Catholic Saints Prayer - Prayer to St. Peregrine

Prayer to St. Peregrine