Saint Damasus

Saint Damasus

  • Short, concise biography of Saint Damasus
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint Damasus
  • Fast, concise facts and information
  • Date of Birth and Death
  • Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint Damasus
  • Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
  • Description / Title of the Saint : Pope

Saint Damasus

Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Damasus
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:

  • Memorial Day / Feast Day of Saint Damasus: December 11
  • Description / Title of the Saint : Pope
  • Date of Death: Saint Damasus died 10th December, 384

The Story and History of Saint Damasus
The story and history of Saint Damasus. Saint Damasus was born at Rome at the beginning of the fourth century. He was archdeacon of the Roman Church in 355, when Pope Liberius was banished to Berda, and followed him into exile, but afterward returned to Rome. On the death of Liberius our Saint was chosen to succeed him. Ursinus, a competitor for the high office, incited a revolt, but the holy Pope took only such action as was becoming to the common father of the faithful. Having freed the Church of this new schism, he turned his attention to the extirpation of Arianism in the West and of Apollinarianism in the East, and for this purpose he convened several councils. He rebuilt the church of St. Laurence, which to this day is known as St. Laurence in Damaso; he made many valuable presents to this church, and settled upon it houses and lands in its vicinity. He likewise drained all the springs of the Vatican, which ran over the bodies that were buried there, and decorated the sepulchres of a great number of martyrs in the cemeteries, and adorned them with epitaphs in verse. Having sat eighteen years and two months, he died on the 10th of December, in 384, being near fourscore years of age.

Feast Day of Saint Damasus
The Feast Day of Saint Damasus is December 11. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.


Saint Damasus

  • Short, concise biography of Saint Damasus
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information
  • Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Damasus
  • Memorial, or Feast Day, of Saint Damasus - December 11
  • History, Life, Biography, Dates, Facts and Information
  • Date of Death: 10th December, 384
  • Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint Damasus
  • Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
  • Description / Title of the Saint : Pope

Saint Damasus - Life - Pope - Biography - Short - Concise - Death - Life - Biography - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - St. - Origin - Pope - Origins - Information - Info - History - Christian - Famous - Catholic - Feast Day - Pope - Famous - Life - Short - Concise - Death - Life - Biography - Feast Day - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - Famous - St. - Characteristics - Pope - Origin - Origins - Information - Info - History - December 11 - Christian - Catholic - Myth - Legend - Dates - Saint Damasus

Saint Damasus