Saint Claude

Saint Claude

  • Short, concise biography of Saint Claude
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint Claude
  • Fast, concise facts and information
  • Date of Birth and Death
  • Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint Claude
  • Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
  • Description / Title of the Saint : Archbishop

Saint Claude

Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Claude
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:

  • Memorial Day / Feast Day of Saint Claude: June 7
  • Description / Title of the Saint : Archbishop
  • Date of Death: Saint Claude died 703

The Story and History of Saint Claude
The story and history of Saint Claude. The province of Eastern Burgundy received great lustre from this glorious Saint. He was born at Salins, about the year 603, and was both the model and the oracle of the clergy of Besançon, when, upon the death of Archbishop Gervaise, about the year 683, he was chosen to be his successor. Fearing the obligations of that charge, he fled and hid himself, but was discovered and compelled to take it upon him. During seven years he acquitted himself of the pastoral functions with the zeal and vigilance of an apostle; but finding then an opportunity of resigning his see, which, out of humility and love of solitude, he had always sought, he retired to the great monastery of St. Oyend, and there took the monastic habit, in 690. Violence was used to oblige him soon after to accept the abbatial dignity. Such was the sanctity of his life, and his zeal in conducting his monks in the paths of evangelical perfection, that he deserved to be compared to the Antonines and Pachomiuses, and his monastery to those of ancient Egypt. Manual labor, silence, prayer, reading of pious books, especially the Holy Bible, fasting, watching, humility, obedience, poverty, mortification, and the close union of their hearts with God, made up the whole occupation of these fervent servants of God, and were the rich patrimony which St. Claude left to his disciples. He died in 703.

Feast Day of Saint Claude
The Feast Day of Saint Claude is June 7. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.


Saint Claude

  • Short, concise biography of Saint Claude
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information
  • Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Claude
  • Memorial, or Feast Day, of Saint Claude - June 7
  • History, Life, Biography, Dates, Facts and Information
  • Date of Death: 703
  • Important Dates surrounding the life of Saint Claude
  • Life History, Story, Biography, Myths and Legends
  • Description / Title of the Saint : Archbishop

Saint Claude - Life - Archbishop - Biography - Short - Concise - Death - Life - Biography - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - St. - Origin - Archbishop - Origins - Information - Info - History - Christian - Famous - Catholic - Feast Day - Archbishop - Famous - Life - Short - Concise - Death - Life - Biography - Feast Day - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - Famous - St. - Characteristics - Archbishop - Origin - Origins - Information - Info - History - June 7 - Christian - Catholic - Myth - Legend - Dates - Saint Claude

Saint Claude