Saint Bonaventura

Saint Bonaventura

  • Short, concise biography of Saint Bonaventura
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint Bonaventura
  • Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Bonaventura
  • What is Saint Bonaventura the patron of?
  • Date of Death
  • How Saint Bonaventura is represented in Christian Art
  • Feast Day

Saint Bonaventura

The Patron Saint Bonaventura
What is the definition and the meaning of the Patron Saints and why were these people chosen to become patrons of causes, professions and countries? The term 'Patron' is used in Christian religions, including the Roman Catholic religion, to describe holy and virtuous men and women who are considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a country. There is a patron for virtually every cause, country, profession or special interest. There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A martyr is one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions.


Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Bonaventura
The following provides fast and concise facts and information:

  • The patron of Bowel disorders
  • Born: 1221 in Tuscany, Italy
  • Memorial Day / Feast Day: July 14th
  • Date of Death: Saint Bonaventura died in A.D. 1274
  • Cause of Death: Natural Causes

Who or what is Saint Bonaventura the patron saint of?
Saint Bonaventura is the patron of Bowel disorders. Meanings, definition and origins - a patron is considered to be a defender of a specific group of people or of a nation. There is a patron for virtually every cause, profession or special interest. Prayers are considered more likely to be answered by asking a patron for intercession on their behalf.

Prayer of St. Bonaventure

The Story and History of Saint Bonaventura
The story and history of Saint Bonaventura. Bonaventure suffered from a life threatening sickness effecting the bowels when he was a child. The prayers of Saint Francis of Assisi saved his life. He studied philosophy in France and became a doctor of theology and in 1587 he was ranked as one of the greatest doctors of the church by the Franciscan Pope Sixtus V.

Death of Saint Bonaventura
There are two categories of saints: martyrs and confessors. A Christian martyr is regarded as one who is put to death for his Christian faith or convictions. Confessors are people who died natural deaths. Date of Death: Saint Bonaventura died in A.D. 1274. Cause of Death: Natural Causes. 

Why is Saint Bonaventura the patron of Bowel disorders?
Why is Saint Bonaventura is the patron of Bowel disorders? It is believed that this type of illness was associated with Binoface when he was a child.

How Saint Bonaventura is represented in Christian Art
It is helpful to be able to recognise Saint Bonaventura in paintings, stained glass windows, illuminated manuscripts, architecture and other forms of Christian art. The artistic representations reflect the life or death of saints, or an aspect of life with which the person is most closely associated. Saint Bonaventura is represented in Christian Art with his cardinal's hat lying at his feet or hanging on the bough of a tree. This is because when the two nuncios of Pope Gregory IX. brought him the red hat, they found him in the convent garden washing the plate from which he had just dined, and he requested them to put it down on the ground, or leave it hanging on a tree, until he could take it in his hands. His attributes are a book, on account of his great learning, and the Sacramental cup, from the incident related in the legend, that since he considered himself unworthy to receive the Sacrament, it was presented to him by an angel.

Feast Day of Saint Bonaventura
The Feast Day of Saint Bonaventura is July 14th. The origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially designated feast days and are associated with a specific day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast day. The feast days first arose from the very early Christian custom of the annual commemoration of martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time celebrating their birth into heaven.


Saint Bonaventura

  • Short, concise biography
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information about Saint Bonaventura
  • Fast, concise facts and information about Saint Bonaventura
  • What is Saint Bonaventura the patron of?
  • Date of Death: 1274
  • How Saint Bonaventura is represented in Christian Art
  • Memorial, or Feast Day, of Saint Bonaventura
  • History, Life, Biography, Facts and Information

Saint Bonaventura - Patron - Patronage - Christian Art - Life of Saint Bonaventura - Bowel disorders - Short - Concise - Death - Life - Biography - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - St. - Origin - Origins - Information - Info - History - Christian - Famous - Definition - Catholic - Feast Day - Christian Art - Christian Art - Martyrdom - Martyr - Patron - Attributes - Famous - Bowel disorders - Cause - Christian Art - Patron Saints - Patronage - Life - Short - Concise - Bowel disorders - Death - Life - Biography - Feast Day - History - Story - Roman Catholic - Facts - Famous - St. - Characteristics - Origin - Origins - Information - Christian Art - Info - History - Bowel disorders - Christian - Definition - Catholic - Martyrdom - Martyr - Patron - Attributes - Famous - Cause

Saint Bonaventura