Prayer to St. Thomas

Prayer to St. Thomas

  • Words of the Prayer to St. Thomas
  • Short and Simple words to the Apostle
  • Pray for comfort and help
  • Catholic Prayer to St. Thomas the Apostle
  • Prayer to St. Thomas to the Apostle
  • Christian words of faith
  • Short and Simple words to the Apostle

Prayer to St. Thomas
Catholic spirituality is the spiritual practice of living out a personal act of faith including praying at church and also private prayer. The Holy Bible teaches that we should pray everywhere including Catholic Prayers and devotions such as the Rosary, Litanies, Novenas and Catholic saints prayers to the Apostles such as the Prayer to St. Thomas.

Prayer to St. Thomas

Prayer to St. Thomas
Enjoy the comforting words of this traditional Catholic Saints Prayer to this Apostle.

Prayer to St. Thomas

O Glorious St. Thomas, your grief for Jesus was such that it would not let you believe he had risen unless you actually saw him and touched his wounds. But your love for Jesus was equally great and it led you to give up your life for him. Pray for us that we may grieve for our sins which were the cause of Christ's sufferings. Help us to spend ourselves in his service and so earn the title of "Blessed" which Jesus applied to those who would believe in him without seeing him.


Prayer to St. Thomas

  • Words of the Prayer to St. Thomas
  • Short and Simple words to the Apostle
  • Pray for comfort and help
  • Catholic Prayer to St. Thomas the Apostle
  • Prayer to St. Thomas to the Apostle
  • Short and Simple words to the Apostle
  • Christian words of faith

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Prayer to St. Thomas