Ave Verum Corpus

Ave Verum Corpus

  • Words of Ave Verum Corpus a traditional Roman Catholic Prayer
  • Short and Simple words
  • Pray for comfort and intercession
  • Roman  Catholic Prayer Ave Verum Corpus
  • Ave Verum Corpus traditional Catholic Prayer
  • Short and Simple words

Ave Verum Corpus

Ave Verum Corpus
Enjoy the comforting words of this traditional Catholic Prayer.


Ave Verum Corpus

Hail, true Body born of the Virgin Mary;
truly you suffered,
impaled on the cross for the sins of the world.
From your pierced side flowed blood and water.
In my last agony,
grant me a foretaste of your presence.
O sweet Jesus
O Gracious Jesus,
son of Mary,
have mercy on me.

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Ave Verum Corpus

  • Words of Ave Verum Corpus a traditional Roman Catholic Prayer
  • Short and Simple words
  • Pray for comfort and intercession
  • Roman  Catholic Prayer Ave Verum Corpus
  • Traditional Catholic Prayer
  • Short and Simple words
  • Daily Prayer

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Ave Verum Corpus